Tuesday, January 21, 2014

App of the Week: Write About This

Mrs. Goodwin recently shared this app and I thought it was really cool.  What an awesome way to incorporate writing into your reading stations!  The free version is a little restricted, but it is still a great resource.

When the app is opened, the students choose how to find their writing prompt.  They can search through categories, choose at random, search, or even take a picture with the iPad camera to create their own.

When the prompt is selected, the students may write and then record their voices reading what they have written.  They can save it to the gallery on the iPad, or send to the camera roll.  If saved to the camera roll, it will save as a movie so you can hear them reading.

How could you use this?

Of course, there is the obvious.  Just let the app guide the way.  Have the students randomly choose a prompt and write!

But what if we think outside the box?    Let's look at this feature that allows you to create your own prompt and save it to the "custom" category.  You can add your own picture, type the prompt, record the prompt, and save for your students.  Maybe you can add a picture that has to do with your Social Studies or Science content.  You could add a picture of a story you have read or your retelling cards and let your students write and record a summary.  You could even add a math picture problem and have students explain their logic in writing.

This is a great app that I hope you will all download and start using right away!  Just let me know if you need help brainstorming ideas of how to make it work with what you are teaching.

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