Thursday, September 26, 2013

App of the Week: Haiku Deck

I have really enjoyed seeing all of your Cyber safety videos.  You should all be very proud of yourselves.  Hopefully, next week we can run them in the lunchroom for everyone to see.  Here are some of the apps I've seen you guys using for your videos:

(Even if this is all you used, you still used an app!)

Sock Puppets


Pic Collage


I know it's really hard to find the time to do something extra like this, but hopefully it has introduced you to some new things you can use in your classroom.  Now and you and your kids know how to use these apps and they are just another tool for you to add to your toolbox!  Thank you for all the effort you put into this project!

On to the app of the week.

This app came up this week when a teacher asked about having her students make a PowerPoint.  This app is very similar to PowerPoint, but with much fewer options, so it's easy for kids to use.  They can search the web for pictures within the app, as well as add their information.

You will have to create a free account and log in to for the first time on your iPads.  The great thing about this is that you can access your students' projects at and share them with your class.

What a great way for students to share their research!

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