Mrs. Williams' 5th grade students participated in a game with a class from Massachusetts. Neither class knew the location of the other, so they took turns asking each other yes/no questions to narrow down an educated guess as to where the other class was located. They started with questions such as these:
- Is your state east of the Mississippi River?
- Is your state one of the original 13 colonies?
- Does your state border an ocean?
- Does your state border another country?
- Does your state's name start with a vowel?
- Does your state flag have a star in it?
- Does your state have a coast line?
- Does your state border the Gulf of Mexico?
- Does the Rio Grande run through your state?
Our 1st graders did a similar activity with a class in New York. Their mission was to use problem solving skills discover a mystery number. Using numbers 1-30, they eliminated possibilities with questions like this:
- Is your number even?
- Does your number have two digits?
- Is your number greater than ____?
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